2014 Fall POA General Meeting
Posted by Damon on Oct 28, 2014 in Uncategorized | 0 comments
2014 Fall POA General Meeting
November 2 @ 4:00 pm
Homewood Suites
1305 N Palak Drive
Yes. The general meetings are definitely necessary. It is our way as a POA Board of providing you, the resident, input into the happenings around the POA. It also provides you with a forum to ask questions regarding how money is being spent in the POA and to make suggestions on projects that you feel should be tackled around the POA. So, it is vital to you as the resident to attend the meeting if at all possible.
We work diligently to keep the meetings to less than an hour of your time. Some of the items that are on the agenda for the upcoming meeting are the following:
- Financial Report/Update for 2014.
- Projects completed in 2014.
- Projects planned for 2015.
- Discussion of dispersement of upcoming 2015 dues’ notices.
- Discussion of how to move to 100% digital communication in the POA.
- Questions for residents.
As always we will be having a drawing for free 2015 POA dues. Obviously, attendance is mandatory for entrance into the drawing. Another request I have is for you to please verify that your email address is correct on our website bridgeportpoa.com. As we attempt to move to more of an online POA, we want to guarantee everyone is receiving the proper communication. We promise to try and not overload your inbox.
A service that we utilize in the POA quite often for more direct communication is Remind.com (formerly Remind101). This PDF regarding the Remind Service Invite will explain how you can register for free with the service. (Yes, it does say Mr. Hill’s Bridgeport POA messages mainly because the service was originally designed for teachers.)
As always, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us at board@bridgeportpoa.com.
Have a very blessed day,
Damon Hill